A personal blog with Linux tutorials written to solve problems as I encounter them and a page about software I have written
I am an engineer who loves technology and futzing with Linux systems. Currently, I study robotics engineering at RWTH Aachen where I am doing a thesis determing cutting paths for a robotic ship disassembly
A personal blog where I can share software and Linux knowledge and learn about web hosting and design in the process. The html and css are all written by hand. The website is designed to be performant, without all of the remote fonts and libraries that weigh down much of the modern web. It is pleasant to use. There are no cookie pop-ups, I don't ask for your email, and I don't collect your data. In fact, there is no Javascript at all. It employs responsive design without having any special conditions for mobile screens, and is simple and clear enough to be usable even on a text browser. It's designed to be what I think websites ought to be like